Gościniec Nad Potokiem

is placed in Beskid Żywiecki in the village name Krzyżowa/Korbielów, next to the river called Kamienna.
We welcome the individual people and the groups as well.

    In our offer are:
  • Nights with full breakfast and homemade dinner.
  • To your offer we have different sizes of rooms :one, two, three, four and five beds as you can choose when you organise your holiday.All rooms come with the toilets, shower , smart TV -so everyone can log in to your own platform and watch whatever you want. Most of the rooms are connected to the balcony so you can come out and have some air and relax in the sun watching the peaceful nature of the mountains.
  • On offer we have snooker (pool), PingPong, Volleyball, board games, chess,and lots of books to read in polish.. we have a place to make a fire and barbecue.
  • After all we have a lovely chimney where you can get warm after all day skiing.
Beskid Żywiecki - it's a beautiful place where you can come and relax in the middle of nature in mountains. There is about 30 m to the mountain river called Kamienna with lovely and clean water. There are a lot of tourist routes for walking in summer and great skiing places in winter . Pilsko moutain is nearly 20km routes and over 10 ski lifts. We are doing Christmas ,New Years Eve, and business meetings.
Pets welcome.


  • Address

    Ewa Ceniak
    ul.Śliwkowa 15
    34-335 Krzyżowa
  • Phone

    Polski +48 508-176-008
    English +48 574-507-926
    Deutsch +49 176-288-642-78
  • Email


Bank account number 60 1320 1537 0751 4357 3000 0001

How to get to us